On June 5, 2008 I had surgery to fix my cubital tunnel syndrome. The cubital nerve was being crushed between the bones and causing nerve damage. Symptoms were numbness and tingling and some really intense pain at times in the ring and pinky finger going down my arm. The surgeon did a nerve transposition and reattached it to the inside of my arm. Talk about pain after surgery and during the removal of the stitches. Now the pain is moving it. I have a hinged brace now that I feel really safe in but its not the best thing to look at. I will have to wear it until the end of July. Talk about a long hot summer in this thing. I'm just glad I have feeling in my hand and the pain is gone. Recovery is the hard part now. Wish me luck.
Oh, poor you! I can only imaginge the pain. I had this syndrome when I was pregnant, but it went away as baby popped out. Hope that you will heal soon!
Oh, Jen, that looks VERY painful! OUCH! Is this different from carpal tunnel syndrome? (Shows you how much I know about anatomy.)
Nice job of scrapbooking it. I hope you're back up and clicking photos very soon.
oh my. sorry you've had to go through all this but I'm sure the pain will be worth it in the end.
As for the list thing, it's no biggy. You've got to do what works for you. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't take pictures when ever I felt like it which is pretty much all the time. I hope you continue to recover well.
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