Saturday, January 24

Day at the zoo

This photo was from a trip to my friends Julie's where we met in Nashville and took the kids to the zoo. We had a great time just walking around and I have never seen so many animals so active at one time. This was my favorite photo of the day by far so I had to do my fun fx to it. The quote says: "While we try to teach our children about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

Saturday, January 17

What do you think?

I had a time getting this blogger layout to work but I think it's doing as it's told now. I have a few things I'm working on and one being some book layouts for Freshman - Seniors on my photography website. I have completed my son's baseball book you can find that HERE. The other books will be done soon and I will post another link so you can see the different versions. One main thing I am working towards is having a few templates to sell here on this blog that can be used to create books or layout. They will be psd templates that are customized or you can buy the final version in png. Look for those in the near future. So much is coming and I'm anxious to get these open for you.

Here is the cover......

Sunday, January 11

Absent but not gone for good

I'm so sorry I have neglected this blog. I promise to give it some love and attention just in the near future and post photos of things that are personal. I have been posting so many things of other people on my photography site that I have put my things on the back burner. I will do my best to get this back to being a hot spot for me. I will even be posting some things in the next day or so to show what I have been doing with my time.

It's also needing a new header and a different theme......check back soon for updates.