Wednesday, May 14

Doubtful (Theme 259)

My friend whom I call Happy Gilmore gave me an Amish Friendship starter for a bread several weeks ago. I'm still making these breads every 10 days because they are so good. I used this for the doubtful theme because it's highly doubtful that there will be any of this left after 2 days. Each time I make on I end up with 4 starters. I give 3 away and keep one for the next baking. I don't have any idea what generation I'm on now but it's great to have and give away.


Mia said...

A clever take on the theme. it looks very tasteful!

Jenifer Clark said...

Just to let you know that that particular bread didn't last 3 days. All gone and I have a starter for another one that I have to bake on 5-21. Then it starts all over again.