Here I am wondering about Copper (the dog) and how slow he is getting and that he is starting to lose his balance and look at him. I was just talking to my Mother-in-law about his health and that he will be 11 this summer but you would never know it. Tom and Ryan were playing frisbee in the front yard and Copper won a great deal of the time. He would catch it and run away. If Ryan tried to pick it up off the ground Copper would be on top of it and fight for it. If Ryan went after it after Copper won, he would growl and go to bite. Tom would engage him so it's funny to see teeth then. We finally had to give him his own ball so he would leave the boys alone so they could play. I didn't mention that it's about 40 degrees out with a strong breeze putting the wind chill in the lower 30's and look at how Ryan is dressed? To beat all.........he's sweating.
Looks like your rain finally stopped! Hope so.
Jen, are you doing 12 of 12 tomorrow? I'm hoping to have a go at that this month, wasn't organised enough last month.
I love the backstory to the picture. It's a really nice image.
Yes, rain stopped and now the cold is setting in. Oh well, just happy to have some clear weather. Yes, I'm doing the 12 of 12 tomorrow. I plan on posting mine on Wed if I can get my act together. THanks for the comments Julie, I sort of like it too.
You captured the motion and the enjoyment of the day perfectly. Grammom
Thanks.......we had a good time that afternoon. I just love having this to photograph instead of my cats or something that doesn't move. Kids are so fun.....always moving.
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