Wednesday, January 9

Heat (Theme 226)

I thought since my last post on the Fire Department and I talked about an photo that scared me that this would be the best photo for HEAT. My husband is the one standing in the door way followed by another AFD Fire Fighter Kevin J. and a Blount County Fire Fighter Stephen C. This is an amazing photo in that you can see thru the wall that Tom is standing in front of. I have never been scared for him when he goes to work but this photo puts things into perspective and now I think twice. No one was hurt but as you can see, it was a total loss for this family.
I know this photo is a 2007 shot but It will have to do until I replace it with something I take this year. I will mark it as completed on the list you see but my list will show needs update. I just had to share this one of some of America's Finest at work.