Monday, January 14

Swing (Theme 246)

This is my beautiful niece Riley having a little fun in her backyard with her sister and cousins over this past weekend. We are trying to spend as much time as possible with them before they move to Alaska later this summer. Then getting together for the weekend will no longer be possible. The kids are already talking about getting together next year. I won't mind them moving there for a short time but if it's going to be for many years, we all will be sad because we are all so close.


Linda Judd said...

Jen, that's a great shot, and it works so well in B&W.

What part of Alaska will they be going to? I've spent about 25 years in Alaska, all together, mostly in Juneau.

suzanne productions said...

Beautiful picture. I like that you chose black+white. Perfect! Grammom

Jenifer Clark said...

Linda, they are moving to Anchorage. Excited to visit them but sad to have them so far away.

Grammon, thanks I like the B&W too.

Linda aka Elemobe said...

Great Blog, I think this is one of my favourites,

Jenifer Clark said...

Linda, you made my day. I just love being on someone's favorite list. I will do my best to stay.